Juvenile Justice

Most chronic juvenile offenders begin their delinquency careers before                                        age 12.

In 2000, police arrested about 140,000 children age 12 and under.

Child delinquents represent almost 10% of the total number of                                                juvenile arrestees.

Young people under the age of 18 account for over 15.9% of all violent crimes and 32% of all property crimes, though they only make up 26% of the population. 

More than 2.8 million juveniles are arrested annually in America.

Crowding is a serious problem in juvenile facilities.Click Here for the Juvenile Court Era

Click Here for History

                                       History                        The Juvenile Court Era









The Problems of Children TodayClick Here for the Problems of Children Today









The Legal Environment

Click Here for the Legal Environment


The Juvenile Process Today

Click Here for the Juvenile Process Today